Johncrow always tink ‘im pickney pretty Translation: The John Crow always thinks that his child is pretty Meaning: Parents always…
Humble calf suck de most milk Translation: A humble calf sucks the most milk Meaning: A person with humility will…
Nuh bady neva kick ded dawg Translation: No one kicks a dead dog Meaning: A person who is aspiring usually…
Trow mi stone eena hag sty any hag bawl a ‘im it lick Translation: Throw my stone in a pig…
Mawga cow a bull mumma Translation: A meagre cow is a bull’s mother Meaning: Even if a person looks weak,…
Idle jackass go a pound Translation: A stray jackass is taken to the animal pound Meaning: People who waste time…
Dawg say if ‘im ‘ave money, ‘im would buy ‘im owna flea Translation: The dog says that if he had…
Fish a deep wata don’t know how fish a riber side feel Translation: Fish in deep water don’t know how…
Scawnful dawg nyam dutty pudd’n Translation: A scornful dog eats dirty pudding Meaning: Always look at yourself before criticising others
Yu can’t siddung ‘pon cow ‘an cuss cow ‘kin Translation: You can’t sit down on the cow and curse the cow’s skin…